Our most recent Ofsted inspection took place on 28th and 20th November 2023. A selection of the inspectors' comments are listed below
As a school, we are so proud to have so many supportive families who have taken the time to give their opinions on our school. It is so lovely to see such positivity from our families, and that 99% of the participants would recommend our school to other parents.
In addition to this 99% of parents agree that their child does well at our school, and ALL parents who participated agreed that their child is safe within our school. 98% agreed that the school has high expectations and that there is a good range of subjects available for their children to learn.
'Pupils attend this warm and nurturing school happily and regularly'
'Pupils behave beautifully.'
'[Pupils]...are proud of their school and describe it as a nice place to be.'
'Positive relationships ensure that pupils settle quickly and apply themselves well in lessons.'
'Pupils behave well at all points of the school day.'
'Respect is commonplace.'
'Pupils recognise and accept differences'
'Playtimes are calm, with activities provided for pupils to enjoy'
'They have wonderful manners and are very polite.'
'The school recognises the importance of pupils' mental health and has adopted many approaches to support this important issue.'
'Mathematics is a strength in the school.'
'Children in the early years are given many opportunities to apply their phonics knowledge to writing.'
'The school recognises the importance of all pupils learning to read.'
'Teachers identify gaps in understanding and address misconceptions well.'
'Pupils do not stop others from learning in lessons. This makes for a calm learning environment.'
'Pupils with SEND are supported effectively to enable them to make the progress they are capable of.'
'Children show very good levels of interest and concentration.'
'[Pupils]...persevere with activities impressively.'
The Religious Education aspect of the school was inspected under the new Catholic School Inspection Framework in November 2022 which superseded the Section 48 Inspection from 1st September 2022 and Our Lady of Fatima is one of the first Catholic Schools to experience this more stringent inspection.
We are delighted that Our Lady of Fatima secured a 'Good' judgement for overall effectiveness, with Outstanding grades for Catholic Life and Collective Worship
Below are some of the key areas that the inspectors highlighted about our school:
Our Lady of Fatima staff are excellent role models, promoting the mission and Catholic life of the school. Teachers use excellent questioning skills that deepen pupils' understanding of Religious
Education. Pupils are respectful, kind, courteous, and enthusiastic about learning about their faith. Senior leaders are inspirational in driving the vision and mission of the school forward in a
caring and inclusive manner. The school's physical environment promotes the Catholic faith and ethos of the school, encouraging and developing prayer.
You can read the full report below.
The school had a monitoring visit in January 2020. You can read the report from this visit below: