
Children have the opportunity to enrich and continue their faith journey by recieving three sacraments during their time at Our Lady of Fatima School.

The preparation for each sacrament takes place during religious education lessons and there are also meetings involving the school, parents and the parish priest.

Sacrament of Reconciliation

This is usually received by Year 3 children during Spring term, before Easter.

The children learn the Act of Contrition:

O my God, because you are so good,
I am very sorry that I have sinned against you,
And by the help of your grace, I will try not to sin again.

The ceremony takes place on a Saturday in the parish church during a prayer reconciliation service, where the children are presented to the priest by their family.

Sacrament of the Eucharist

This is usually received by Year 3 children after Easter, having received the Sacrament of Reconciliation. The ceremony takes place at Our Lady of Fatima Parish Church.

The whole class will join in preparation and celebration of their sacrament with the parish community at a Thanks Giving mass, held at Our Lady of Fatima Parish Church. It is followed by a Communion breakfast in the Parish Hall, with a photographer present.

Boys wear a white shirt and a red sash (supplied by school) with a red tie (embroidered with the year) available for purchase from the school office. Girls usually wear a white communion dress.

Sacrament of Confirmation

This Sacrament is made in Year 6, usually during the Summer months. The date is confirmed by the office of the Archbishop during the academic year that the ceremony is due to take place.

The Mass for the Sacrament takes place in Our Lady of Fatima Church.

Preparation is undertaken by the class teacher, aided by the RE co-ordinator but also with the parents and their families at home. The children begin their preparation with a Mass of Enrolment at the Parish Church, and also celebrate with a Mass of Illumination which takes place in either the school or church.

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