EYFS at Our Lady of Fatima Catholic Primary School




  • We believe that Jesus is at the heart of all that we do and we endeavour to help the children to act in his likeness.
  • We want Our Lady of Fatima children to be adventures and to experience the awe and wonder through the provision enhancement in the classroom. Culture capital is at the heart of the EYFS where we build on children’s current experiences and give opportunities for all children to have the best possible start.
  • Provide memorable experiences for every child's first year at school.
  • Create a stimulating environment that provides exciting opportunities, promotes challenge, exploration and a real love of learning. 
  • Learn in an environment, which values all cultures, communities and the world around us. 
  • Ensure consistent routines are created and excellent relationships are made with parents.
  • Allow all children to reach their full potential and flourish during their first year of school. We consider the unique child in all their uniqueness through a well thought out pedagogy and learning environment.
  • Offer opportunities for physical activity, freedom and movement in our outdoor environment.
  • Children to make harmonious relationships with others, through negotiation, taking turns and cooperation as well as providing rich opportunities for imagination, inventiveness and resourcefulness. 
  • To enable Our Lady of Fatima children to take risks in their learning. Risk taking is goodfor children: taking risks is exhilarating, and children want and need to take risks.
  • Our curriculum is designed for Our Lady of Fatima children with a focus on promoting language, PSED skills and life skills. We are doing this because our current trends show a decline in children’s use and understanding of language and life skills.
  • As a school we are % White British. Our children’s earliest perceptions of the world and its cultures are shaped by the books we read and it is essential that children see a true reflection of our society in the books we offer through representing and valuing everyone.



  • Actively safeguard and promote the welfare of all our children.   
  • Follow the Statutory framework for the early years foundation stage. Development matters will be used as a resources towards planning. Topics ensure that children have a broad and balanced curriculum. 
  • Create a language rich environment. 
  • Children learn phonics as soon as they start school. Promotion of early reading is through a wide choice of books. We follow the Read Write Inc scheme. Children vote for their storytime book at the end of the day. 
  • The children learn maths skills in a memorable and exciting way through the stimulus of Numberblocks and explore one number at a time by going into depth. Lots of opportunities for reasoning and high-quality talk. 
  • The outdoor environment enables children to strengthen core muscles and build up their upper body strength, which are fundamentals skills to be able to mark make. 
  • Ensure strong relationships with parents are formed quickly. Wow vouchers are sent home to encourage parents to write about their child’s achievements at home. Parents are supported with the understanding of Phonics by attending workshops either online or in person. Regular communication takes place through the Reception email and class Blog on the Purplemash learning platform.
  • Learning Opportunities are carefully planned where staff remark on the remarkable and children make progress. Progress means knowing more and remembering more and being able to do more.
  • Building on children’s vocabulary is an integral to part of our early years and staff are skilled in the area of speech and language. High quality modelling and scaffolding is evident as well as key interventions focused on communication and language. 
  • Use recently introduced vocabulary.
  • Facilitate learning through reinforcement, recall, enhance, interpret and explore.
  • Carefully planned repetition of learning materials so that knowledge is embedded in long term memory. Provision is to revisit, rehearse, consolidate, learn and ensure that recently introduced vocabulary is at the core of all areas of learning.



  • Children make at least good progress from their starting points. 
  • Develop characteristics of effective learning where children are able to talk about which characteristic they have achieved.
  • Outdoor learning has a positive impact on children’s well-being and development 
  • Good level of development at least in line with national.  
  • Children love their first year of school and follow our mission statement, 'We welcome everyone into our community to live, love and learn together.’
  • Children believe that anything is possible and have high aspirations.
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